
Microsoft Azure Active Directory: basic tasks involved with internal and external users, and AD groups

In this project I demonstrate basic user and group related tasks in Azure Active Directory that I learned while taking some Microsoft Learn modules. Azure AD is Microsoft’s standalone cloud authentication and authorization service. Here I add a user to Azure AD Here you can see I have already assigned a role to a user… Continue reading Microsoft Azure Active Directory: basic tasks involved with internal and external users, and AD groups


Microsoft Azure: The many factors that affect the total cost of running on Azure

I went through this learning module on Microsoft Learn, but I can tell you I have already felt the effects of storage costs in Azure. This learning module went through a hypothetical situation, but it reaffirmed what I was feeling. Storage costs go up by a factor of ~7x versus a typical on-premises data center. However, I… Continue reading Microsoft Azure: The many factors that affect the total cost of running on Azure


Microsoft Learn: Modules I have completed with an example

I have been focusing the majority of my learning time, and my time in general lately, towards learning System Administration related tasks on Microsoft’s Azure service offerings. Below is a example of a fun learning module. You can actively view my progress here. Badges represent completed courses. Trophies represent completed learning paths. This was a module on… Continue reading Microsoft Learn: Modules I have completed with an example


Microsoft Azure: Working with Azure Queue storage

Taking this Microsoft Learn module, I was able to create an app that interacts with Azure Queue storage. Azure Queue storage, as Microsoft describes, implements the publish-subscribe pattern in the cloud to allow communication between applications. Below I showcase parts of the app I created. The full code project can be found here. This function creates a queue… Continue reading Microsoft Azure: Working with Azure Queue storage


Microsoft Windows Active Directory: creating a multi-domain, multi-site domain

While taking this Pluralsight course, I followed along by creating a Windows Active Directory Domain like the one demonstrated in the course. I am hosting this in Hyper-V on my localhost. Below I showcase my implementation. Here is the site topology for the domain controllers in the Company.pri domain. Since Hyper-V doesn’t provide routers at the hypervisor… Continue reading Microsoft Windows Active Directory: creating a multi-domain, multi-site domain