Taking this Microsoft Learn module, I was able to create an app that interacts with Azure Queue storage. Azure Queue storage, as Microsoft describes, implements the publish-subscribe pattern in the cloud to allow communication between applications. Below I showcase parts of the app I created. The full code project can be found here.
This function creates a queue in Azure Queue storage and then subsequently sends a message to that queue.
// this sends a message to the queue
// best practice is only for the publisher to create the queue.
static async Task SendArticleAsync(string newsMessage)
// create a CloudQueue object that we can use to work with the queue.
CloudQueue queue = GetQueue();
// create the queue if necessary, or return false if the queue already exists.
// this ensures the queue is ready for use
bool createdQueue = await queue.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();
if (createdQueue)
Console.WriteLine("The queue of news articles was created.");
// represents a message
CloudQueueMessage articleMessage = new CloudQueueMessage(newsMessage);
// use the CloudQueue object to send the message to the queue
await queue.AddMessageAsync(articleMessage);
This function reads the next message in the queue in Azure Queue storage, processes it, and the deletes it from the queue. As you can see, I don’t actually process the text. I just capture it and return it. Obviously, in a production situation the next message in the queue could require data processing.
// read next message in queue, process it, and delete it from the queue
static async Task<string> ReceiveArticleAsync()
// get our object we can use to create, delete, and check for an existing queue.
// this is called our queue reference
CloudQueue queue = GetQueue();
// check if the queue exists.
// if we attempt to retrieve a message from a non-existent queue, the API will throw an exception
bool exists = await queue.ExistsAsync();
if (exists)
// represents a message
// get the message. i.e. the next message in the queue
// the return value will be null if the queue is empty
CloudQueueMessage retrievedArticle = await queue.GetMessageAsync();
if (retrievedArticle != null)
// this is where processing would be performed
// this gets the contents of the message
string newsMessage = retrievedArticle.AsString;
// delete the message after processing completes
await queue.DeleteMessageAsync(retrievedArticle);
return newsMessage;
return "<queue empty or not created>";
And that’s it for this post! Thank you for reading!